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376: Use These 5 Pricing Models to Reach a 6-Figure Coaching Business

Use These 5 Pricing Models to Reach a 6-Figure Coaching Business

There’s no need to ever have to stress over creating the right pricing strategy for your coaching business in order to attract the best clientele…

The great news is that there are tried and true models of price setting in order to provide the most value to your clients while enabling a wide variety of people to take advantage of your services and coaching.

For all the details on using these 5 pricing models to reach a 6-figure coaching business tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 376 – Enjoy the show and let us know in the comments if this was helpful!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Low Pricing

Setting your pricing too low is always a recipe for disaster. Not only will it not attract your ideal clients, but if it does work you will have a customer service nightmare on your hands once you now have hundreds of clients you must help.

2. Middle of the Pack Pricing

This is the best place for most practitioners to begin with since it helps you build confidence while allowing for the greatest number of people to take advantage of your coaching services.

3. Premium Pricing

Eventually you want to move more towards premium pricing once you have built up a clientele. This enables you to work with high level clients where you can help them to the highest degree possible with advanced lab testing, protocols, and ongoing monthly coaching. You can even offer this right from the start as one of your “concierge” services.


Show Notes & Resources

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