Member Exclusive: New Student Orientation Call
Join us for our New Student Orientation call for new IHP members, led by one of our IHP graduates, This virtual meet-up serves to give you a basic introduction to the IHP course as you get started.
Join us for our New Student Orientation call for new IHP members, led by one of our IHP graduates, This virtual meet-up serves to give you a basic introduction to the IHP course as you get started.
On Thursday, February 10th at 3:30 PM EST Dr. Jennifer will be live for the module 2 workshop! She will be setting the ground work for you to create the ideal coaching agreement to use with your clients.
On Tuesday, February 15th at 3:00 PM EST our very own, Dr. Stephen Cabral, will be hosting a live Q&A on our Instagram handle (IHP_Certification)! If you've been considering IHP […]
On Tuesday, Feburary 15th at 3:30 PM EST, Dr. Cabral will be hosting a live Q&A via Zoom and on Facebook in our Level 1 group! IHP Level 1 students - this Q&A is time set aside especially for your questions! Feel free to submit questions early by posting them in the Facebook comments section […]
Join us for our New Student Orientation call for new IHP members, led by one of our IHP graduates, This virtual meet-up serves to give you a basic introduction to the IHP course as you get started.
On Tuesday, February 22nd at 3:00 PM EST, Dr. Cabral will be hosting a live Q&A via Zoom and Facebook in our Level 2 group! IHP Level 2 students this Q&A is time set aside especially for your questions! Feel free to submit questions early by posting them in the comments section of the event! […]
BME Members: Join Julia Hayes live on February 23rd at 3:00 PM EST for the Module 2/Lesson 2 workshop!
On Thursday, February 24th at 3:30 PM EST Dr. Cabral will be live for the module 3 workshop! He will embark on the nuts and bolts of practicing as a […]
BME Members: On Tuesday March 8th at 3:00 PM EST Dr. Cabral will be live for the first Module 3/Lesson 1 workshop!
Join us for our New Student Orientation call for new IHP members, led by one of our IHP graduates, This virtual meet-up serves to give you a basic introduction to […]
On Thursday, March 10th at 3:30 PM EST Dr. Jennifer will be live for the module 4 workshop! She will give an overview of how to follow a specific coaching […]
On Tuesday, March 15th at 2:30 PM EST our very own, Dr. Stephen Cabral, will be hosting a live Q&A on our Instagram handle (IHP_Certification)! If you've been considering IHP […]