Enroll Now in Levels 1 + 2  and you’ll receive an additional bonus gift- A Vita-Min Tox™ Test (Starter Kit). ($598 value!)

Member Exclusive: IHP Live Q&A with Dr. Cabral

On Tuesday, July 16th at 3:30 PM ET, Dr. Cabral will be hosting a live Q&A via Zoom and on Facebook in our IHP Facebook group! IHP Level 1 students - this Q&A is time set aside especially for your questions! Feel free to submit questions early by posting them in the Facebook comments section […]

Member Exclusive: IHP Coaching Office Hours – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Join us for a chance to learn from Dr. Cabral’s team of experienced IHP Health Coaches on biweekly live Zoom calls. Each week we’ll focus on a different functional health lab and related protocols. If you’d like additional support while going through the IHP curriculum, or even while taking on new clients, this is the […]

Member Exclusive: New Student Orientation Call

Join us for our New Student Orientation call for new IHP members, led by one of our IHP graduates, This virtual meet-up serves to give you a basic introduction to […]

Prospective Students: IG Live with Dr. Cabral

On Monday, August 19th at 1:00 PM EDT our very own, Dr. Stephen Cabral, will be hosting a live Q&A on our Instagram handle (IHP_Certification)! If you've been considering IHP […]