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249: Flexible Thinking in Your Practice with Chris Tracy

Your health and well-being are not black or white… But so often we see clients who believe that there is only a right and a wrong way of doing things....


248: Creating a Thriving Solo Practice (Without Ever Building a Team)

Not every health coach wants to build a big team or take on a lot of overhead… To be honest, I would say that most don’t want that, nor should...


247: Removing Fear & Perfectionism from Your Practice

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress... We all have changes we want to make but often it is the fear of not being perfect that keeps us from reaching our...


246: The Fastest Way to Write a Social Media Post

We all know we need to be on social media, but that doesn’t mean we all enjoy it 😉 Sometimes you prefer to be private, or you don’t like to...


245: Learning to Love Yourself with Lydia Mendel

The best form of love is that which you can give yourself… To accept who you are and find peace with yourself is truly a gift. On today’s episode, we...


244: Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome

One of the biggest obstacles that most coaches face is not a lack of education - It’s not too few certifications. And it has nothing to do with their knowledge...


This is just what happens when you get older… It’s just something women go through… If you have ever heard [...]

A lot has changed over the past 25 years I’ve been working with coaching clients… And the next 3-5 years [...]

Love them or hate them Reels are an important part of creating content on your social media platform… Reels currently [...]

A lot of coaches get overwhelmed when it comes to marketing their business and trying to get more clients… The [...]

How often do you find yourself saying “I am so stressed out…” Unfortunately, stress is a common occurrence in our [...]

It’s a funny thing asking yourself “how much do you want to earn and charge for your services…” Most people [...]

Oftentimes we cling to the past because it is what we know, and it feels safe… But what happens when [...]

As health coaches and practitioners our goal is to help as many people as possible… However, it’s important that we [...]

Does this sound familiar? · Low Mood · Anxiety · Trouble Concentrating · Lack of Interest · Exhaustion · […]


Even the top coaches in their field have days or weeks where they’re feeling down or de-motivated… This is normal [...]

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