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237: Blending Holistic & Conventional Care with Karina Barker

Choosing your career path is an important decision…. But what happens when you spend years following an educational path only to find out that your professional goals don’t line up...


236: How to Keep Clients from Leaving

Many coaches think that the most important part of building a business is finding new clients… Although that is obviously one of the most crucial jumping off points it really isn’t the...


235: Saying Yes to Health and Happiness with Dana McGowan

Are you waiting for the perfect moment before you begin to work towards your goal? How many times have you said, “I’ll start on that when….” The funny thing about...


234: The Real Reason Why Clients Leave You

None of us wants to think of this, but clients do decide to go elsewhere and meet with other coaches… However, if you know a client may leave ahead of...


233: Whole Family Health with Kelly Meehan

As a parent, seeing your child struggle is one of the hardest things… And when it comes to their health, we want to do everything we can to make sure...


232: After You Sign Up Your 1st 5 Clients Do This

Starting a business, any business, can be a little scary… After all, you may be investing your hard-earned money, or time, or reputation… But if you’re in it for the...


Does it feel like all you do is go, go, go and never stop? In this day and age burnout [...]

I think every service professional should have a business coach… However, I also believe that most “business coaches” out there [...]

Life is stressful… But when left unchecked, the stress of everyday life can lead to debilitating anxiety and chronic overwhelm. [...]

Are you sometimes stuck looking for ideas on what to write about or post on social media? The good news [...]

People seek out personal training because they want to improve themselves… But more often than not the improvements that are [...]

As I’ve been sharing over the last few weeks you simply cannot allow yourself to become a commodity in the [...]

They say 2 is better than 1… But when it comes to health coaching, we think a whole team is [...]

The number one thing you can do to stand out as a health coach or practitioner is to show how [...]

Can we really have it all? So often we are told that we can have everything our heart desires but [...]

Offering a free or low cost small coaching group is an excellent way to provide an amazing service and get [...]

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