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213: Mindset and Body Image with Miranda Petts

When you look in the mirror what do you see? What kinds of things do you say about yourself? Are they true… or are they a combination of stories and...


212: Should You Become an Intrapreneur Coach First?

The life of an entrepreneur is full of ups and downs… Are you ready for the highest of highs, but potentially also the lowest of lows? Does stress overwhelm you,...


211: Mind Body Spirit Release with Justine Myers

Trauma can look like many different things to many different people… It affects our emotional and physical health and can be deeply imprinted into our subconscious. So how does one...


210: How to Get Ahead Faster As a Coach

One of the keys to growing your coaching practice faster is to surround yourself with a certain set of people… These people should represent where you hope to be heading,...


209: Honoring Bio-individuality in Women with Maddie Miles

Are your hormones out of whack? Do you feel like you are not “in control of your emotions” sometimes? If so, you are not alone. Countless women experience these feelings...


208: The 5 Steps to Building & Scaling an Online Business

Almost every business that you create has the ability to continue to grow and expand… However, if you hope to be able to scale your practice or your online business,...


Do you feel stuck? You know you want to make a change, but it feels like something is holding you [...]

Whether you’re looking to create a free support group, paid mini-membership, or run a 21-Day Detox group it’s important to [...]

What happens when you are told you can’t attain something in your life due to your health? We often look [...]

It seems every 5-10 years there are new areas of health & fitness that seem to take hold for the [...]

As Integrative Health Practitioners we feel called to share an important message with the world. Often times that message starts [...]

Are you interested in being able to reach more clients and build your practice in a faster way? If so, [...]

Most people know the do’s and don’ts for a healthy pregnancy. But what so many miss out on is that [...]

We've been conditioned as an industry to tell people what our “session price” is, but whenever you answer that question [...]

The human body is amazing. It is an intricate puzzle of parts and pieces that weave together in perfect harmony. [...]

Inevitably when you begin to put yourself “out there” whether it be creating your own business or posting content online [...]

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