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129: Reducing Toxins in Your Home with Jessica Green

We are exposed to toxins everyday. From the water we drink, to the air we breathe and even the materials used to build our homes. Our bodies are bombarded everyday...


128: When & How to (Gently) Fire a Client

The day may come when you will need to let a client go… It could be for reasons that you believe would benefit you, them, or the both of you,...


127: Get Back to Basics with Alicia Brunson

Eat this way. Exercise that way. Follow this program. Everywhere you turn there is a different opinion on what you need to do in order to achieve your health and...


126: Meet Your Clients Where They Are At

Have you ever heard of the “mirroring” technique? It’s been around for decades as a psychological method for building connection with another person… The same technique can be applied to...


125: Self Sabotage with Ted Hanik

How many times have you started on the path to improving your health and wellness only to fall off the wagon? You know what you need to be doing, and...


124: The Best Social Media Method For Getting Clients

The great thing about the Internet is that you can pretty much find any information you were looking for if you’re willing to dig deep enough… The problem is that...


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