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111: Fostering Healthy Habits in Children with Sylvia Alakusheva

Kids can be notoriously picky when it comes to food. You know that a healthy, balanced diet is important for their development but providing it for them and them actually...


110: The Paradox of Pricing Your Appointments

As a health or fitness professional you may be dealing with trying to figure out the right price for your appointments or consultations… If you price them too high it...


109: Stay Resilient Against All Odds with Andrea Thompson

Many people share the same diagnosis - A label that has been given to them to describe a state of “dis-ease” the body is currently experiencing. But the factors that...


108: How to Get Your First 5 Clients

Are you just getting started or adding a new service to your existing coaching business? If you are, today’s show is going to help you make it an easy transition...


107: Trust Your Body and Intuition with Simone Gloger

How often have you received advice and thought “that doesn’t feel right.” In the age of technology and information it can be hard to know who to trust and what...


106: Setting the Right Prices for Your Programs & Services

Most coaches are nervous to charge “too much” for their coaching services, but with just a little bit of foresight I believe we can dramatically reduce that apprehension… My goal...


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