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093: A Holistic Approach to Nutrition with Dana Sisbarro

For many people food is just something they eat every day. They think nothing more about it. For others, it is what hurts or heals them. On today’s podcast, we...


092: This Leads to More Clients & Better Trust

One of the hardest things for a health coach is trying to build trust with an individual that may have already tried and failed in the past… They’re trying to...


091: The Connection Between Physical and Mental Health with Alisha Banks

Studies show that we have over 60,000 thoughts per day. What do your thoughts say about you? Are you aware of the way that your thoughts and emotions shape your...


090: The New Wave of The Future in Health Coaching

Make no mistake about it - If you continue to do the same thing you have always done year after year you will unfortunately see a steady decline in your...


089: Normalize Your Health Journey to Help Others with Jen Massman

As Integrative Health Practitioners we often struggle with the need to have our own health journey solidified before moving on to help others. How can we help someone if we...


088: What Is Your Differentiator or USP?

You may think that blending in and doing what everybody else is offering in your Industry is a good thing, but let’s break this down… If you look the same...


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