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034: Where to Find Your Best Clients

Believe it or not, not everyone who contacts you is actually ready to begin their health or fitness journey…

For both of your benefit it’s best to actually seek out and meet with those that you connect with to a greater degree and can truly help – In the end they make the best clients!

For all the details on where to find your most rewarding and best clients tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess 034 – Enjoy the show and let us know your top take-aways in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


  1. Solution Seeking
    The optimal clients will have already moved from the conventional medicine stage of going to see their doctor about their symptoms and being told everything looks “normal” while they still suffer from symptoms to seeking an alternative solution.
  2. Putting Yourself out There
    Making sure you are creating content, visiting businesses, or posting on social media so that when clients are open to receiving an alternative method it is you they seek out. 
  3. Referrals
    Remember that every client you work with is a link to another potential client and the knowledge, trust, and healing you provide will open them up to share it with others.


Show Notes & Resources

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