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048: How to Get an Endless Stream of Referrals

The best clients are always referrals from current clients (or colleagues)…

Your current clients will sing your praises when they get the results that they were hoping for…

However, that doesn’t always translate into automatic referrals, which is why I’d like to help you facilitate that process…

Join us on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 048 to discover how to get an endless stream of referrals for your health coaching business – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


  1. Good v.s Extraordinary
    Doing good work means you are meeting all of the baseline needs of the client, but doing extraordinary work means going above and beyond, standing out from the crowd by offering a premium service. 
  2. It’s the Easiest Thing to Do
    Listening with intention to your client before doing an assessment will make you stand out because the first thing most people seek is to be heard.
  3. Follow Up
    The best results that a client can see and feel are when you follow up with them regarding their results and progress. This shows that you are vested in their success, and will always lead to a referral.


Show Notes & Resources

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