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110: The Paradox of Pricing Your Appointments

As a health or fitness professional you may be dealing with trying to figure out the right price for your appointments or consultations…

If you price them too high it can be an issue, and likewise if your session prices are too low they signal possible doubt in your client’s minds (not just in your price per hour)…

To answer the question on how to price your appointments once and for all and explain the “paradox of pricing” I will share all the details on Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 110 – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Are You Too High

Pricing your appointments on the high end range can signal a lot of value and prestige, but it will limit the total amount of clients that can take advantage of your services

2. Are You Too Low

On the contrary, pricing your coaching sessions on the low end will open you up to everyone (almost) interested in your services, but you’ll be paid less per hour and your value may be diminished.

3. The Sweet Spot

The sweet spot of pricing for most health professionals is to find the median range of what other coaches like you are charging and then set your prices on the higher side of the median average. This will denote more subconscious value and you’ll be able to give each client more time/services.


Show Notes & Resources

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