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114: Think Packages – Not Appointments

We’ve been conditioned as an industry to tell people what our “session price” is, but whenever you answer that question you immediately devalue what you do…

And if you allow people to “shop you” as a commodity based on price, you will both lose…

An industry that races to the bottom based on cost and not services & results provided is not one we want to perpetuate…

That’s why on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 114 I’d like to ensure you “Think Packages – Not Appointments.” Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Create More Value

Your goal is to create as much value as possible for your client through add-ons that do not necessarily cost you more money

2. Why Packages

When you offer a package and not appointments, you are selling results and not a one off appointment where the client is not going to learn enough to be successful

3. Long Term Value

Your goal is not to sell a session here and there. To build a career helping people you must begin working with clients on a monthly basis.


Show Notes & Resources

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