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122: Do NOT Use These Words or Phrases in Your Coaching

Inside of IHP we always try to focus on the positive, but sometimes as a coach we need to know what to avoid as well…

For example did you know there’s about a half dozen words that you should never use as a coach or they may land you in trouble with your state or government?

So although we’re not giving legal advice, we are here today to let you know not to use these phrases in your coaching…

Tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 122 for all the details – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1.Ordering Labs

As a coach, you do not “order” labs for anybody…

2. Prescribe

As a coach, you do not prescribe diet, exercise, or health advice.

3. Treat

As a coach, you do not treat any symptoms or diseases, or provide cures for ailments.


Show Notes & Resources

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