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126: Meet Your Clients Where They Are At

Have you ever heard of the “mirroring” technique?

It’s been around for decades as a psychological method for building connection with another person…

The same technique can be applied to almost any service career and I find it to be an amazing way to gently warm up to clients especially if they’re anxious, stressed out, or upset coming into an appointment…

So on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 126 I’d like to share how to meet your clients where they are at – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Mirroring Technique

In psychology the mirroring happens with body language, but with health & fitness sessions you can actually mirror energy and mood as well.

2. Gauge Your Client Quickly

As your client walks in or greets you on video, take a moment to feel their energy to see if they’re happy, anxious, angry, skeptical, etc.

3. Meet & Move Forward

You will then meet their “mood” where they are at and gradually over the session uplift them with inspiration, energy, and positivity.


Show Notes & Resources

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