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137: The Power of the Subconscious Mind with Jeffrey Mort

There are so many factors that play a role in health and wellness.

Exercise, Diet, Sleep, etc…

Health and healing is a delicate balance that requires a lot of moving parts but one key component that is often forgotten is a healthy mind.

On today’s show we talk with Jeffrey Mort. Jeffrey is an Integrative Health Practitioner and the Founder of Love, Energy, Wellness.

Jeffrey has a passion for helping others reclaim their energy and rebalance the body and mind, both physically and spiritually.

Jeffrey shares with us his personal health journey and how using the power of intent and subconscious reprogramming has changed his life and allowed him to help others.

To learn more about the power of the mind and finding true wellness within join us on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 137– Enjoy the show!


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