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139: Kinesiology & Muscle Testing with Alyssa Perrotti

If your body could speak what would it tell you?

In the constant go, go, go of daily life we often overlook the simple signs and cues our body is giving us.

Our bodies are intelligent and intricate and they have the ability to guide us on the path to wellness if we can only just stop and listen to its needs.

On today’s show we talk with Alyssa Perrotti. Alyssa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Private Practice Owner with a passion for helping her clients unlock the deepest root cause of their health issues through a wide variety of modalities.

Alyssa provides her clients with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing to receive biofeedback from the body.

Through this process she is able to help her clients tap into their subconscious mind to identify the root cause. She is then able to create custom protocols to guide her clients on their health journey.

To learn more about Kinesiology & Muscle Testing join us on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 139– Enjoy the show!

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