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153: Finding Fulfillment and Balance with Heather Arena

Can we really have it all?

So often we are told that we can have everything our heart desires but at what cost?

We juggle home life, careers, passions, etc., but at the end of the day we feel like nothing gets the attention it deserves.

On today’s podcast we talk to Heather Arena.

Heather is a Nurse Practitioner, EquiLife Health Coach and Lab Accounts Manager.

Heather has a passion for making a difference in the world whether it’s through the lives of those she loves or with her clients.

Heather shares with us how her desire to help others, while fulfilling, can also take a toll both mentally and physically.

In this episode, we discuss the importance of balancing home life and work life and how sometimes those two may not be equal depending on the season of life we are in.

To learn more about finding fulfillment and balance in your work and personal life join us on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 153 – Enjoy the show!

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