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160: Beware of Hiring a Business Coach (5 Questions to Ask)

I think every service professional should have a business coach…

However, I also believe that most “business coaches” out there are not worth the investment and simply put they may be steering you wrong…

So to help you find the right coach for you I wanted to share what to beware of when hiring a business coach and provide you the 5 questions to ask them – Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Have They Done It

Has your coach done what you are looking to do?

2. Replicable Results

Did they offer a similar service or product? Can it be replicated by others. If so, do they have success stories to share?

3. The Cost

What will the hidden costs be in order to implement the program they want you to complete in order to replicate their results.


Show Notes & Resources

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