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176: How Much Do You Want to Earn & Charge?

It’s a funny thing asking yourself “how much do you want to earn and charge for your services…”

Most people when they ask themselves that question, or get asked by someone else, they immediately begin to feel insecure, lose confidence, and shy away from what their real value is…

So on today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast we’re going to rewire your mindset for abundance and service, as well as help you “work backwards” to answer the questions as to how much do you want to earn and charge your clients – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Pick a Number

Don’t make it arbitrary, too high, or too low. Choose a financial number you want to achieve over the next 12 months.

2. Work Backwards

Now that you know how much you want to earn, divide that number by 48 weeks (as an example) and then by the number of appointments you will see in an average week.

3. Now You Know

By following this simple, yet highly effective, formula you now know how much to charge for your monthly coaching or services. You should feel confident in over-delivering value for whatever investment you ask of your clients.


Show Notes & Resources

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