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188: How to Have Your Best Year Yet As a Health Coach

Setting the stage for a great year begins with a plan…

This means that we need to take “chance” out of the equation and guarantee your success by following certain steps…

These steps have been outlined by those that have come before you and I in order to pave the way and make it easier for us to succeed…

Tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess 188 to find out how to have your best year yet as a health coach – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. The Plan

Only you can decide what you want to achieve, but an action plan must be created in order to turn those dreams into a reality.

2. The Execution

Even if you have a great plan, you must be willing to execute on those daily actions to manifest thoughts into the material world.

3. The Reset

Once you’ve been working your plan for 4-6 weeks be sure to continually check back in and recalibrate the action items in order to adjust for what you’ve seen so far.


Show Notes & Resources

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