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204: Find Your Perfect Partner to Create a Career or Business

There are 2 philosophies regarding building a business and career in life:

The first one espouses the belief that you should work on your weaknesses and build them up…

The second looks at the inverse and remarks that you should be aware of your weaknesses, but instead double down on your strengths…

On today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 204 I’d like to share with you how to focus on the 2nd philosophy to maximize your results – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Bring Up Your Weaknesses

When you are a solopreneur doing everything yourself there is a time and place to get better at all areas of your business. This will also help you understand where you need to outsource (later) your areas of weakness.

2. Double Down on Strengths

Doubling down on your strengths while outsourcing/hiring team members enables you to scale faster and enjoy your work to a far great degree (after all you get to do what comes natural to you)!

3. Finding a Partner

Too often in business we choose a partner that has our same skill set… this is bad idea 9 out of 10 times. It is far better to choose a partner that compliments your skill set so that the two of you work on non-competing projects and instead build a successful business from all angles.

Show Notes & Resources

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