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278: How Health Coaches Can Save Time by Batching and Chunking Tasks Each Week

One of the biggest hurdles to getting starting is knowing what to do and then not getting overwhelmed by completing that checklist…

The funny thing is though when you look back on starting your health coaching practice you’ll realize it wasn’t all that hard and easy to get up and running even with just an hour or so a day to dedicate to it…

On today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast 278 we want to teach you how to save time by batching and chunking tasks each week – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought and any other tips you may have!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Notes & Resources


1.Social Media

Yes, posting on social media and following up with your direct messages is important for building your business, but that doesn’t mean you should waste time being in and out of it all day.

2. Emails

We could also spend all day writing and answering emails, but dedicating a certain time block to following up with your clients will keep your work schedule sane..

3. Invoices

Many health coaches forget or keep poor track of invoicing clients. Make this easy with automation and choosing 1-2 times per week to invoice clients and ensure payments are made.


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