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296: Create New Client Coaching Packages for the New Year

We’re excited to debut a brand new show on how to create the most compelling new client packages for health coaching ever.

We believe after listening to this show you’ll have everything you need to create, market, and deliver on an amazing health coaching career you’ll love.

Tune into today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode #296 to learn how to create these new client coaching packages for the new year – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought in the comments!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Bundle Big Value Adds

The goal is not to compete on price alone. Try to give more health coaching value whenever possible – especially if it doesn’t cost you more to provide it.

2. Add At-Home Lab Testing

All of your health coaching packages should ideally use a differentiator as to why a client would choose to work with you. At-home lab testing can be that difference making in order to provide clients with a personalized plan based on their results and data.

3. Upfront Costs vs. Lifetime Value

Remember, if you do your job and help a client be successful they will continue to come back to you year after year. Spend a little something out of your health coaching package income that enables a client to get better results and to enjoy a more well-rounded experience.


Show Notes & Resources

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