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298: What Your Clients Are Really Looking For

One of the interesting facts about the health, wellness, and fitness field is that oftentimes clients come in looking for something other than what they need-

What I mean by that is their interest in achieving a particular goal that is adjacent to what they really need such as improving their nutrition, strength, posture, flexibility, detox, etc.

The good news is that you can help a client attain their reason for coming to you as well as what they need by following a few set guidelines…

Tune into to today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess podcast episode 298 to learn more about what your clients are really looking for from you when they hire you as a health coach – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Listen First

The objective of any great health coach when completing an introductory consultation is to listen to a client’s personal goals and then ensure your plan involves them (even if you think it should be different)

2. Give Them What They Want

Remember, if you don’t help them achieve their personal goals (in a safe way) they will go elsewhere. Therefore, it’s best to lay out a plan that enables them to reach their personal goals while helping them with what they truly need.

3. Create Objectives

All of this can be accomplished with an initial “screening” and by being courteous enough to acknowledge the importance of why they can to you while nicely pointing out other factors that will help them look and feel their best.


Show Notes & Resources

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