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312: How Many Appointments Should a Health Coach Complete Each Week?

How Many Appointments Should a Health Coach Complete Each Week?

Too often health and fitness professional base their schedule off of what they think they should be doing based on industry standards…

But, does that match up with your financial, purpose, and time allocation goals?

On today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 312 we’ll break down how to decide how many appointments should a health coach complete each week – Enjoy the show and let us know what your weekly appointment goals are and why!

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Health Coaching Purpose

Think about why you got into health coaching in the first place. Who was it that you wished to serve? How many people per week do you feel you need to see in order to derive the sense of purpose you seek?

2. Financial Coaching Goals

Beyond purpose, what goals have you set for yourself in terms of earning a great income? Do you know how much you will charge and how many appointments per month you’d need to complete in order to hit those goals?

3. Adjusting Along the Way

Remember, just because you set a few initial goals doesn’t mean you can’t adjust up or down seasonally, or even permanently based on changes in your life. This is your career and you get to decide what is right for you and your family!


Show Notes & Resources

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