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316: A Simple Way to Write Social Media Posts Faster

A Simple Way to Write Social Media Posts Faster

If you’re looking to gain more health coaching clients it’s always best to follow the formula of giving before you receive…

And one easy way to do that is by giving away free information online through social media.

But, posting on social media platforms takes some thought, pre-planning and creativity.

To help you work through this process faster today I’d like to teach you a simple way to write social media posts faster – Enjoy the today’s Integrative #HealthCoachSuccess episode 316 and let us know what you thought! 

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast

Show Highlights & Big Takeaways


1. Gather Your Health Coaching Content

The fastest and easiest way to do this is by writing down all the questions you get asked by family and friends – or that you see people ask online.

2. Framing the Question

Instead of thinking of writing a long social media post instead think or answering a friend’s question in under one minute. This will force you to be concise with your words and framing.

3. Voice Text the Text

Use a free voice to text app on your phone and speak your answer to the frequently asked question. This now becomes your social media post written in the exact way it will appear on someone’s phone.


Show Notes & Resources

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